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How does Go help Enhance Concentration and Combat Procrastination: Student Guide


Updated: Jan 26

Are you a student who wants to combat procrastination, enhance your concentration and at the same time have fun? Well, then this page is for you. Get ready to dive deep into an exciting world of Go!

The game Go, or Weiqi, originated in ancient China about four thousand years ago and was considered one of the four main necessary arts required for an aristocratic Chinese scholar. The history behind the creation of Go has many interpretations, which are based on the fascinating myths surrounding the game. For example, one story suggests that Go may have been created as a tool used by Chinese astrologers to model people’s connection to the universe. Another tale suggests that it was invented to by the Emperor Yao in ancient China, who developed Go to educate his son discipline and planning skills. Those legends behind the creation of Go highlight the game’s cultural significance and its connection to wisdom and learning.

You may ask, “How does Go, an ancient board game, help with procrastination?” The answer is actually straightforward.

Firstly, in order to determine the significant role Go plays in reducing procrastination, we must define the term “procrastination” itself. Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing something. In simple terms, it is when you choose to do less important things instead of doing something useful. In our modern world, procrastination is a common trait and can be seen in all of us because people naturally tend to procrastinate, since it is easier to choose fun, quick activities over work that needs more time and effort to be completed. Think about it. Have you ever had a situation when you needed to do something important, to revise for a test for example, but you you just kept putting the revision off until the last minute, claiming that - “I can just revise later! It won’t hurt to play some games instead.” I am sure you recognise this behaviour. I know it sounds familiar.

Procrastination occurs because of a lack of motivation, when a certain task seems boring and worthless; feeling overwhelmed, in situations where you feel like an important task feels like too much work; and also from the fear of failure, when you worry that you won’t be able to do something perfectly. Most importantly, though, procrastination arises from poor time management, as not knowing where exactly to start or which task to prioritise can lead to delaying your work until later.

After this, you might take it seriously, think that you are forever apathetic towards significant things, and that you are trapped in a cycle of disorganisation. However, you should not get too worried about it because procrastination can be cured, and the power to change it is in your hands. In our society everyone can be seen as a procrastinator, because there are just so many distractions that we simply can’t avoid. Take a look at mobile phones: almost every student has one and carries it everywhere because it is convenient. Social media, widely used among students, is frequently checked throughout the day. However, the constant desire to check notifications can be highly distracting, interrupting one’s work and reducing focus. So, procrastination is everywhere and all of us have had experience with it at some point. However, many individuals experience it to varying degrees and the extent to which you experience procrastination can be controlled.

Now, let’s get back to Go as the hey to freeing you from the endless trap of disorganisation. Do you remember the root cause of procrastination mentioned earlier? Right - poor organisation.

Go is an ancient abstract strategy game that is still widely practiced and enjoyed around the world today. Yet, many students remain unaware of it, which seems surprising given the countless benefits it offers for developing critical thinking and focus. How can Go foster concrete organisation skills?

Go is a game that involves a great deal of abstract thinking and evaluation, as you must weigh different possible intersections where a stone can be placed to achieve the best possible position on the board. The game also pushes you to plan ahead and to develop creative strategies to overcome your opponent in the end, by surrounding more territory and capturing more stones. I am sure that you are able to recognise the numerous benefits Go brings. It helps you practice planning ahead and organising.

Before, In fact, one of the many purposes of go was its ability to improve strategies of commanders and soldiers before battle. During the Warlord era in China (1916 - 1928), many warlords practiced the game to engage in strategic thinking. Strategy was the most significant component of the game, and the game’s concrete focus on strategy and planning reflected the military tactics necessary for the management of battles and territories. Therefore, it is prudent to assume that Go was an effective tool before to improve one’s long term planning.

So, why don’t we use it now for our purpose? Before, Go was an effective solution to coordinate battles effectively through the tacticians fostering the creativity and planning skills. Now, Go is as much as effective as it was before, and it is a potent tool that can help students, like you to ameliorate your time management and organisation. So, you can plan your day more effectively, be more aware of what work to focus on and be motivated to study, while at the same time still being happy and having time for enjoyable pursuits.

To conclude, an abstract strategy game Go enhances critical thinking and improves concentration for those who practice it, as it involves a lot of thinking and analysis. In modern society, Go teaches students to carefully plan and follow through, even during difficult moments. For a student, this is crucial, considering the enormous amount of things that need sorting out, including school, social life, personal hobbies. Go is a very effective method for becoming more organised and learn to manage these things under pressure, while focusing on more necessary tasks and thus avoiding procrastination.

Now that you are aware of the benefits that Go brings, you might be wandering: How do I start playing? The answer is right here on our website! You can access free and easy to follow lessons that cover the basics of Go, alongside the simple strategies to help you understand the game better and learn how to play it with others. Embrace this fascinating journey, and get ready to uncover numerous opportunities for personal growth and discovery. Your adventure in Go begins now!

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